Signs You’re In Love With 3D Animation Products
Most of us in childhood must have seen animation movies. The colors, characters, voice and textures must have made a huge impact on our imagination. Have you ever wondered about the people behind the scenes, the animators?
3D Animation Technological Advancements.
For an aspiring animator, if you are creative, inventive, possess a sense of aesthetics, and an artistic bent of mind, it is quite possible that you will like this industry, and over time, you will gain a foothold that will prepare you for an adventurous career in the field of animation.
The 3D animation visualization industry has come a long way with “massive technological advancements.”
So staying abreast of technological trends and developments, honing your skills to keep pace with the industry is a critical requirement if you are serious about making a mark in the world of animation. This multi-million dollar industry is highly sought out, not just in media and entertainment, but also in the field of architecture, real estate, interior design, advertisement, marketing, and gaming to name a few.
Part of the job of an animator is also the willingness to research the assigned subject before getting to work. This is absolutely necessary to ensure that illustrations are authentic and accurate. For example, if the task is to create a scene from the jungles of India, then the animator needs to study the flora and fauna, including the wildlife that comprises the landscape.
Based on this understanding and observation on utilizing 3d animations, the animator begins storyboarding and designs the characters. The next step is designing movement with each frame to give the character a sense of dynamism. The animator’s work does not end here. He or she does not work alone, but has checkpoints and discussions with other related departments, other animators, and most importantly, with clients.This is to ensure what is being designed is what was agreed upon in the initial scope.
Read also: Unexpected ways 3D animation studios can make your life better
Keeping track of the goal and managing stakeholder expectation is yet another skill that is required. So as you can see, the animator’s qualification does not just begin and end with the familiarity of the software and displaying creativity, but also includes interpersonal skills required to get the job done.
In essence, every animator should be a storyteller, because that is really what you are communicating visually through inanimate objects. You breathe life into the character by adding the textures, light, color, and skin and make it an unbelievable experience for your audience; so much so that the audience almost believes them to be close to real-life.
A degree in computer animation or related fields is useful and gives you an edge over the others, but so does experience in the field.
Being a child at heart is a great quality to have and defines your attitude. Just as a child is curious and finds everything in and around its environment exciting, so should animators observe every little object and person, study the lines, posture and create them for practice. Diligently look up tutorials and videos to keep adding to your knowledge base.
“Keep practicing until you strengthen your foundation” – VeetilDigital